Spring Hill/City View Times
Community Newsletter

SHCL Newsletter Editions


Our newsletter is a bi-monthly publication dedicated to sharing information that is both helpful and interesting. Including memories from the past, current events and visions for the future. It is our goal to make this a true community newsletter with input from all our friends and neighbors.

Please submit articles for publication to:

E-mail the newsletter with your comments, suggestions, and articles.
We would like very much to hear from you.

To have the newsletter delivered to your home:
Send your name, address and a check for $6.00 made out to the Spring Hill Civic League to cover postage and handling for 1 year ( 4 issues.)

Mail to:
Tammy Waraks
P.O. Box 100167
Pittsburgh, PA 15233

People Who Make The Newsletter Possible:

Tammy Waraks ................................................Editor
Allegheny General Print Shop.......................Printer

People who distribute newsletters to blockworkers.
Blockworkers who deliver newsletters to neighbors.
Individuals who submit articles to the newsletter.